is a #SPONSORED link to our book selection of our ebay store
We have tens of thousands of preowned aka used books and continually list them on our ebay store. Unfortunately we also do not have all of the books cataloged. Because of our lack of ability to manage the large inventory flow of incoming volumes, we cannot tell you what our current inventory is. Our books in the collection can range in dates from the 1700’s though today.
We never throw a book out or recycle it. Our theory is someone always wants to read, re-read or collect one of their favorites no matter how beat up the book may be. Rare books, Vintage Paperbacks, Modern writings, Textbooks, paper ephemera, OEM Manuals, Guides, Magazines, Pamphlets, Brochures and Catalogs. We save and list everything book and paper.
You can visit the Preowned Book part of our ebay store to see what we have listed. We may just have the book for you…Visit #SPONSORED We also use the moniker BooksByDecade.Com #SPONSORED on ebay as well where we arrange our collection by decades using the Gregorian Calendar. New listing are posted on social media and Preowned Book Com also has a Facebook Page (Meta) #TRACKEDLINK if you would like to follow it there for current new listings as they happen but all the sales happen on ebay. is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store trading card section.
It can be Vintage Star Wars Stickers #SPONSORED from the 1977-1983 series of the original Blue, Red, Yellow, Orange, Yellow and Green Vintage Star Wars Trading Cards #SPONSORED respectively from A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back & The Return of the Jedi. Of Course we have a few Modern Star Wars cards#SPONSORED like “The Bad Batch” and “Mandelorian”, which will be listed in our store too. We have spent a quite a bit of money and time getting many of these early cards and stickers PSA graded. We know collectors like to have this service. For right now, most of our listings are PSA graded, but eventually we will list non-graded cards as well.
We have Baseball Cards & Stickers #SPONSORED and occasional packs. FootballCards & Stickers #SPONSORED and occasional packs. Hockey Trading Cards #SPONSORED when we come across them. Basketball #SPONSORED cards both college and NBA, an other Sports Trading Cards #SPONSORED and catchall section for sports cards.
Harrison Ford has been one of the more iconic actors of our lifetime and of course we have packs of Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark #SPONSORED and and eventually will list the single trading cards as well.
Mox Ruby. Well…no. lol but we have tens of thousands of Magic the Gathering (MTG) #SPONSORED trading cards ranging from beta type cards to some modern and we played Magic when it first came out and so eventually we will list them and possible send some off for grading as well.
We also have Pokemon cards #SPONSORED and most are still unlisted. When we get GPK of which we only have a few, then they are here Garbage Pail Kids (GPK) #SPONSORED
We even have decks of Playing Cards #SPONSORED used for card games like Bicycle, Poker & Bridge Cards. From old movies like ET to modern movies & actors, musicians and actresses, forgotten collectible cards as we come across trading cards we will list them and they just might end in our other category #SPONSORED or we make make make new categories on the store on occasion. Random Stickers #SPONSORED of any shape or size including the occasional bumper sticker lol.
The list goes on. What is it about collecting cards that we love so much? Our website is last place we update, so go on over to our shop on ebay to check out what is current. There are tens of thousands of cards for us to list. When we start to list these trading cards you will our ebay store ShopTradingCardsCom #SPONSORED All the links for specific card categories are above bring you directly to that section of the store on ebay. Shop Trading Cards also has a page on Facebook (Meta) #TRACKEDLINK where we post current new items and where links will lead you to purchase new trading cards we list on ebay. A great place to follow our trends. is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store Record Selection
We love Music! Vinyl (& Shellac) records are one of our favorite ways to enjoy the sounds of life. Records are not just a way of consuming music, but spinning the wax a way of life. We know all the crate diggers will agree, there is no other endearing format that has captured our hearts. There is a really cool new vinyl of the month club #SPONSORED subscription service on Amazon that lets you choose from your favorite genres for receiving records mailed to you. Choose several genres for a more diverse experience.
Gnubay has thousands of records and we have spent 2021 and 2022 cleaning all of them with a spin clean record system. If you have not tried it one of these cleaners, they are simple and effective system for getting gunk out of the grooves out you can find them on ebay #SPONSORED and amazon. #SPONSORED Sure you can use Ultrasonic Cleaners and for the hard core enthusiasts they are both on amazon #SPONSORED & ebay #SPONSORED but we have found the spin clean method to be cost effective & removes the occasional skip as well. Ultrasonic cleaner costs have come down over the years but upside to the spin clean system no electric bill, Occasional spin clean chemical purchases and minimal moving replaceable parts.
We are planning to increase volume in the future as we start testing and listing the thousands of records we cleaned the past few years. As we list and create more volume in our store, you will find several vinyl record posts across our social media on Instagram #TRACKEDLINK and X / Twitter #TRACKEDLINK. Gnubay has a very robust active page on Meta aka Facebook #TRACKEDLINK will contain new content as we create it. We take all the photos and usually videos of the actual items we sell so we hope you enjoy them. You can find this section of my eBay Store here #SPONSORED to find our current vinyl for sale. is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store for our Tool Shop
Gearhead? Tool Buff? Amish? lol We have the tool for you. Our Estate and Storage unit finds bring some of the most interesting questions to us like “What is it?” and “What was this used for?” From Vintage pieces to modern power tools, if it cranks your soul or tightens your perspective we will list it on Gnubay. If you are looking for a new hand tools & power tools you can always shop them new on Amazon #SPONSORED or ebay #SPONSORED because, lets face it, we do not have new everything we are resellers of mostly used things.
Broken tools do not go to waste here at GNUWHIT and are no problem, we will sell them for parts or arts & crafts. A virtual junkyard of miscellaneous parts surround us and we know someone is looking for it and eventually we will find it and list it. Hanging out in the gargage today? Fixing something that needs a special tool? If we can figure out what we have, and even if we can’t, we will still list it because you might want it or know what the heck it actually is. Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store for everything fashion
Fashion old and Gnu. We have your style. Looking for that old belt, or a ballcap or hat. Maybe a scarf or some baby clothes. Shoes and boots. Jewelry, bracelets, earrings, Necklaces and just about anything to adorn your inner style beast. We have thousands of pieces some of it Gnu old stock that is yet to be listed including Lingerie, Robes and sooooo much more. So look for this to be a growing section of GNUWHIT family.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store for Remote Controls
Dog ate it? Fell into the the crevice of the couch? No need to worry! In our business we love to recycle what we can and often find broken electronics with the remote controls still intact. As we find remotes, we list them here.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store for our maps section of the store.
Are you the next Lewis & Clark? Exploring the world? Trying to find a vintage tourist map? Trying to remember what something looked like or maybe you were born knowing only GPS. This is where the cartogrophers like to delve into the rich history of the world before the internet. We have come across thousands of maps, globes, atlases, plat maps, as well as travel guides and travel brochures in any physical collection and we list them for sale they will end up on Visit #SPONSORED Old Paper Maps also has a Facebook Page #TRACKEDLINK is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store section of kitchen items.
Looking for a new addition to your kitchen. We love to list vintage kitchen pieces as well as anything that may have shown up on your kitchen cabinet, counter, fridge or appliance. Mugs, plates, bowls, bottles, decorations, pots, pans, lids, cups, glass, baking, utensils, forks, knives, spoons, bottle openers and can openers. Check out these and other kitchenware to see if something fits your style.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store for our sheet note music selection.
We love music. All types. While our founder Whit under the Gnumaginations brand has played piano, drums, sings and any other musical instrument that comes this way (albeit poorly, we might add lol), music foundations often come from a piece written long before our time. You will find classical to pop, Jazz to Gospel, old to new in songbooks and single sheet note music here in this store. We have hundreds up and thousands still to list.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store for this multifaceted section of our store.
When you have soooooo much stuff and you just cannot create a website or category for it all so we put a lot of it here. Some Old and Some Gnu. Sometimes it is Sports Memorbilia or equipment other times it may be Historical memorabilia like The Extracts & Proceeds of the American Continental Congress I sold on Pawn Stars Episode “Happy Meal. Happy Deal”. You just never know what you may find among the trinkets and treasures. It might be something for your pet, or just an old trophy lying around the house. One thing is for sure it is not in our landfills. We know you are trying to build your collection of whatever you decide to collect and we want to bring it to you.Visit #SPONSORED is #SPONSORED link to our ebay store section where yearbooks stay in circulation.
Looking for that classmate from a university, highschool, college or military academy. Maybe you are signature hunting, or scrawling to see a message that may have been written. As we come across these gems we will list them for you.Visit #SPONSORED. We also have a Facebook page for Old Year Book Shop #TRACKEDLINK is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store for our cd music section of our store.
One of the most popular formats before streaming came along, and the fan base for this format will grow. Our physical inventory of these is high, my online inventory will grow as time permits. Look for this to grow as Gnubay grows.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store section where T-shirts hide-out.
Looking for something to adorn that torso area? Worn or torn, holes or Gnu-ish we are going to put that Tshirt here no matter how obscure the content or event.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store VHS section for this beloved format.
Well… this is format we just love. Find that old movie you were looking for. Lots of hard to find and vintage editions of your favorites.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store section where Coin & Currency collectibles reside.
We have been organizing and collecting currency, coins and tokens with a general numismatist interest for decades. We mostly love the coins or anything surrounding the concept of money. Whether it is the United States or Foreign currency both are equally interesting to us for collecting and are represented in our listings.
Stamps are thrown into this area of our store, We often find coin collectors and the Philatelic hobby has a lot of crossover collectors. Piggy Banks, coin sorters and collecting supplies will have a place in this section of the store. We also are planning some social media content around the large amounts of currency and coin we have on both Facebook #TRACKEDLINK and on our multifaceted YouTube content #TRACKEDLINK
Some pieces are graded professionally and others are just a piece of history. As we get around to listing them for sale you can be sure you can find them store #SPONSORED We have also worked under the domain names of;; and is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store where we bring electronics back to market.
Whether it is an old piece of Electronic history, or a pile of jumbled cords, eventually we put it up for sale. Not working, no problem, we will list it for parts for those who like to tinker. Sometimes it is an old computer cable, or memory card other times it is software or hardware accessories like a keyboard or mouse. Power cables of all types are listed some that probably belong in Betamax, Video Games, Video Game Hardware, old formats and just about anything that can plug into a wall. Next time you are looking for that vintage adaptor you or elctronica entertainment you just might en up here.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to our ebay store section where Art, Crafts, Photography and Creativity live to see another day.
Framed or unframed? Old Photos. Original art and reprints. Sketches found but never discarded. Slide photography and cameras. Partially used Art Supplies. Crafting, ceramic pieces, figurines, dolls, postcards or greeting cards. If something has any artistic value real or perceived we are going to list it. We love art and the beauty it brings to this world. Wall art and posters, Blueprints, watercolors, pencils pens and erasers. Find your next inspiration here.Visit #SPONSORED is #SPONSORED link to the DVD section of our store.
As we find that next piece of Entertainment or Infotainment we will put that DVD, Blueray or Video Disk here.Visit #SPONSORED is a #SPONSORED link to the cassette tape section of our ebay store.
Are you looking for that classic album on tape? Old car with a cassette player. Trying to find that old audiobook or motivational tape series. We have thousands of these, just a little low on the priority for listing right now so online inventory is very low. Visit #SPONSORED. We also have a Facebook page #TRACKEDLINK with the same name is a #SPONSORED link to the section of our store that celebrates the Hollidays…..All of Them
Christmas or Kwanza? Halloween or Saint Particks Day. Valentines Day or Fourth of July. If you have a holliday, we want to celebrate it with you. As we come accross holliday memorbilia We will place it here.Visit #SPONSORED
More to Come #SPONSORED
We have lots of things that are being working on. As we create them, You can be sure that will be the hub of this activity. Visit my ebay store in the meantime while we create new content. Visit GNUWHIT ebay Main Page #SPONSORED
A Message from Gnubay Founder
We have been buying storage units, attending estate sales and collecting for decades. Now we are creating listings and selling all these years of accumulation. Some stuff comes from dumpsters, other things are donated to us and somethings we have bought in large lots.
We hate using landfills. We truly believe that everything that that we create as a species can be admired or used again. Maybe you are an artist looking for some new mediums to work in, or an avid book reader, a lover of movies or just want to find an old part or a something vintage or antique. Whatever it is, we are going to try to resell, repurpose, reduce and reuse before we recycle something.
We plan to create something positive and fun here while trying to make an occasional sale or referral to support our families, friends and dreams.
GNUWHIT is our reseller name on ebay, WhatNot #SPONSORED, Poshmark #SPONSORED, Mercari #Sponsored, Kidizen #SPONSORED, Grailed, Vestaire, esty, and social media on Facebook #TRACKEDLINK, TikTok #TRACKEDLINK, YouTube #TRACKEDLINK, Instagram #TRACKEDLINK, tumbler #TRACKEDLINK, Threads #TRACKEDLINK, X(twitter) #TRACKEDLINK, Reddit #TRACKEDLINK and as a cross lister on Vendoo #SPONSORED. You will find many links as our team expands the contents and spreads out our online presence
We also love to create art, music and whatever moves me, so you will find photos throughout our pages like the creation by founder, Gary Whitworth Brower below with pen and ink.

Art Title : When Two Paths Meet